Patient Care Technician/Aide

This program trains individuals who wish to care for clients in Nursing, Retirement, or Private homes. A CPCT job puts you on the front lines of patient care. They Provide basic patient care — bathing, feeding, catheter care, distribute and administer patient care supplies.

  • Perform safety checks and ensure cleanliness in patient rooms
  • Accommodate the special needs of patients accordingly
  • Obtain EKG readings and monitor vital signs. Duties will varies base on organization.

After successful completion of the classroom core work, students will sit a final exam. Students passing the exam with 70% or Complete program with a B or above will go into internship, and will be eligible to sit for the certification exam.

CPTC certification will be earned upon successfully passing the certification exam should you decide to sit the exam. Exam is Administered locally.

General Information

  1. Copies of Passport
  2. NIB Card
  3. Police record
  4. Diploma or Equivalent
  5. Immunization record card
  6. Health Certificate.

Length of Program:11 Months
Class Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Time: 6pm – 9pm
Times/date subject to change*

  1.  BJC or BJCSE Math & English With C or above.
    (We have a prerequisite program that will allow you to transition into your core program)
  2. Additional cost if BJC or BGCSE requirements are not met)
  1. $350.00 MINIMUM  (down payments) must be paid three weeks before class start date.
  2. Registration fee $100.00 (non refundable)
  3. Late Registration -$120.00
  4. Registration Fee (Non Bahamian) – $120.00
  5. Late Fee Registration (Non Bahamian) – $130.00
  6. Payment plan is available (discussed during registration)
  7. Additional cost if BJC or BGCSE requirements are not met.
  8. Certification exam fee is included in tuition.
  9. Supplies, books, and uniforms are additional costs

ECG Basic Reading, Phlebotomy Basic & BLS, Social development sessions, Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Physiology, Vital Signs & Charting, Bed making,  and Patient Care

Our Affiliates

Other Certification Courses

Other Certification Courses

Pharmacy Technician

Medical Administrative Assistant

Registered Phlebotomy Techinician